as it should be
Get online in 3 minutes
Seriously Simple Internet
Pick your perfect plan
Plans up to 1 Gbps
Safe & Secure
Your data is yours alone
No Install
Get online in less than 3 minutes
We made Andrena simple, affordable and fast so that every connection becomes more meaningful.
"Andrena has been patient and very respectful from the beginning. Your customer service has been and is
still an A+"
- Akil F, Newark, NJ
"Andrena has been amazing. I'm able to use multiple connected devices at the same speed as the big ISPs,
but for a fraction of the cost."
- Dan D, Hoboken, NJ
"Andrena took five minutes to setup and it flat out works."
- Suzanne G, Princeton, NJ
"Cutting the cord didn't make sense until Andrena arrived in our building. Now I pay half my prior bill and
still have Internet and TV. Set up was a breeze and the Andrena team is always helpful."
- Sean M, Hoboken,NJ
"Speed & uptime are great, customer service is exceptional, all at a price far lower than any other Internet
provider in the area."
- Jessica Durrie, Small World Coffee Co-Owner, Princeton, NJ
We started Andrena to make getting online way less frustrating. We didn't invent new Internet - just a more affordable way to get it to a lot of people really fast.